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Ready for Revival is a 40-day heart journey toward the fullness of Christ. It is a 40-day prayer guide to personal and corporate revival that can be used by individuals, small groups, or entire churches to pray together.


Do you long for a more vibrant relationship with Jesus? Do you wish you had a deeper passion for God? Do you desire the Holy Spirit to work in and through you in more powerful ways? Do you wish these things fro your church and your city? Let Ready for Revival take you on a 40-day journey toward the fullness of Jesus Christ, and the revival you desire.


If you pray through this guide, you will be changed! If your church prays through this guide, it will never be the same! Though the contents will convict you and make you uncomfortable, the spiritual results will be profound. You will be ready for revival!


Ready for Revival was written by Kairos Transformation founder and president, Jacquie Tyre, as a prayer, fasting, and repentance initiative for churches. It is a powerful tool for individuals, for believers in a single church, or for groups of churches to pray together. Each week includes the following focus:

  • Week One Focus: Personal
  • Week Two Focus: Family
  • Week Three Focus: Local Congregation
  • Week Four Focus: The Church in your City
  • Week Five Focus: Those who do not yet know Christ
  • Final Days Focus: Ongoing personal pursuit to live in the fullness of Christ 

Ready for Revival

SKU: 001-2002
  • Author: Jacquie Tyre
    Page Count: 56
    Cover: Soft
    ISBN: 978-1-576833971
    Publish Date(s): 2002
    Publisher: Pray! Books (a division of NavPress)

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